When you get to be my age (older than I wish I were) you get used to certain occurrences that seem to come with the territory like walking into a room and then asking yourself "Why did I come in here?"    Or standing in front of the wide open refrigerator and pondering "What am I looking for?"

I can handle these momentary breaks with reality which may also include misplacing items and forgetting names of people you know or movies you've seen.  Thankfully the latter of these are usually temporary.

The other day, a brief moment smacked me in the face (and I confess, made me laugh).

One of my guilty pleasures is having breakfast (the most important meal of the day) at a local eatery.  I frequent "LuluB's" 4 or 5 times a week not only for the food, but for the conversation with Kim, a waitress that works there and whom I consider a true friend.  I always arrive a half-hour or so before they are officially open so we can chat and exchange thoughts and ideas and gossip.

So, on that particular morning we were doing the usual chit chat, talking about President's Day (and trying our best to steer clear of politics) and holiday's in general.  For some reason, I mentioned next months holiday, St. Patrick's Day being on March 17th.   Then I asked "Is Easter in March or April this year?"

Kim whipped out her phone and looked it up. "It's April 21st," she informed me.

"What day of the week is that?" I inquired...…

And if you don't understand our amusement, we are in the same boat, my dears.  I hope you can row.


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