When I was a child, like all other children, I loved the holidays...…..Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.  But, (don't ask me why?) the month of February always had a special place in my heart.  Why?  When I was a child it had three holidays.....Lincoln's Birthday, Valentine's Day and Washington's Birthday.  For some unknown, some people in Washington D. C. decided that Lincoln and Washington could be lumped together and called President's Day.  And thus, today's children are missing out and only have two days instead of three.

In my grade school, we celebrated them all.  Back then, It was customary to decorate the class room for the holidays  We were given black "construction" paper to make silhouettes of the two presidents which were adhered to the windows in the classroom.  

Red construction paper was supplied for Valentine's we make our mothers and "girlfriends" (as well as assorted hearts to enhance those same windows).  While this was a time long before refrigerator magnets, I still remember my mom scotch-taping my Valentine to the door of the "icebox."  She still called it that as did we all for a number of years.  The Valentine itself was plain and simple. just a heart and a Crayola scrawl.

  Eat your heart out, Hallmark!


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