I lost a dear fiend, yesterday.  He and his wife, Lore, were our neighbors when we lived in Warwick, New York.  And what wonderful neighbors they were.

The last time I spoke to Lore, she told me Walter was not  doing too well and so his passing was no real surprise.   She went into wake him up yesterday morning and couldn't.  So it was a peaceful passing in his sleep.

Let me tell  you a few tidbits of when Walter was awake.

Every year on my birthday I would get a call and  hear Lore sing "Happy Birthday."  At the end of every phrase, Walter would chime in with "Cha-cha-cha."   No particular reason, it was just his way of amusing me.  And it always did.

Then, there were the Ogres.   It seems a group of them had invaded their shed and no amount of cajoling would get them  to leave.   So Walter cared for them and nurtured them and related their adventures should you inquire.  On one Christmas we gave him a sign "Ogre Crossing" which he put in his driveway to warn visitors of their presence.

I remember hikes on our small part of the Appalachian Trail with Lore, Walter, Fabian and I trudging thorough the "wood" just to find a perfect picnic spot overlooking a lovely vista. (The picnic was always prepared by Lore and consisted mostly of wine, some fruit and cheese and crusty bread.  Halcyon days, indeed.

One of our traditions when we lived in Warwick was the Christmas Eve Dinner.  We always hosted Walter and Lore and another couple, Chris and Sheila.  We always pulled out all the stops using our best china, crystal, and silverware. Oh and don't forget the flowers for the centerpiece.  I recall with a chuckle the one dinner that Walter (for some unknown reason...….it may have been that old demon rum) decided to hang a lamp chop on the crystal sconce (with burning candle) that was closest to him on the table.  Should I assume it was too rare?  At any rate, he quickly removed it once he heard Ms. Lore say "Oh, Walter!"

On other nights we would pile into the car with a pitcher of martinis and tour the county to view all of the various homes decked out in their best twinkling Christmas lights.

Perhaps, it is this season that brings back so many special remembrances.  But in truth, it's just the loss of Walter.  He was a wonderful neighbor, a terrific jokester and (most of all) a treasured friend!

Rest in Peace, dear Walter.  Rest in Peace (Cha-cha-cha).


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