My Grandmother raised nine children, (seven girls and two mother being the youngest.)
She became a widow in 1935 when my grandfather was killed in an auto accident just north of our small town of Corbin, Kansas.   From then on, she took turns living with her children for about a month at a time.   Eventually, it was decided to build her a small one room house on my parents property where she could have her own space but be close at hand.  (This "house" was constructed when I was thirteen or so.)

A few years later, (now, in her eighties) she began receiving mail form an old beau that she had known in her youth and it soon blossomed into a certified romance.  (A long distance one, but a romance nonetheless.)

All of her children went into shock when she announced at the age of 89 that she and her reunited beau were going to be married!  (Sadly, I no longer remember his name.... it may have been Leo.)

At any rate, "Leo" made the trip from somewhere in Missouri to our tiny town in Kansas.   My grandmother was overjoyed!  I still remember seeing there "first kiss" after 60 odd years.   They were like two schoolkids, giggling, holding each other.   It was wonderful.

Then, the unthinkable happened.....Grandma fell ill....

I recall being told by my Caldwell High School teacher on a perfectly non-descript day that she had passed away suddenly.   (I don't remember how I got home.  Most likely, someone came and picked up my cousin Jerome and I and drove us home to Corbin.

The family was in a state of shock, grief and, strange as it may sound, a place of peace.

Soon everyone who had planned to come for the wedding was there for the funeral.  All the aunts, uncles, cousins and such.    It was a sad day.   But oddly, I felt at the time (and still do) that my Grandma was simply overwhelmed with  joy and, contrary to the "broken heart" syndrome, she died from sheer happiness.  In a state of bliss.  Pure unadulterated bliss.

"Leo" passed away two years later and perhaps they are together at long last.   I hope so.


  1. Yes, sad in a way but she did seemingly have some bright moments at the end. I say take those bright moments whenever and however you can.


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