Celebrating the release of "That's Entertainment" in 1974, a smoky "pub-style" mirror featuring the M-G-M logo was commissioned to be given to the participants in the film (most of which are named in the ad below) and as a promotional piece for the film.

At the time Fabian and I were doing trade shows in various parts of the country but not together.  I don't remember exactly where I was but as I recall Fabian was in Indianapolis.

At these shows, booths were set up to display many items (Ours featured Christmas trees and wreaths) while other could be showing anything from lawn mowers to jewelry to "you name it."  Some of the booths in the venue always offered  "incentives" to place an order.  The mirror was such an incentive.

Now, after the trade show was over, many vendors would choose to sell their wares rather than pack them up.  And so Fabian, having noticed the mirror, made an offer for it.  I think he got it for fifty bucks.  It is numbered on the small plaque on the bottom which reads "Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 50th Anniversary Commemorative, 1924 - 1974, 1879 -3500.)  So it is the 1879th out of 3500 mirrors that were commissioned.   A recent look at eBay had one for sale at $300.  So it was fifty dollars well spent.  The end of the story is it now resides in the dining room in Florida having lived for a time over the fireplace in Manhattan.  It is a constant reminder of earlier times and my love of movies and  my dear Fabian who bought it for me.


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