While I'm sure everyone has their favorite kind of cake, this blog is about mine.  Granted, I love traditional cakes i.e. chocolate, white, yellow, spice, angel food, carrot, and any wedding or birthday type.  You can even give me cheesecake and German chocolate.  And I remember some odd mix called confetti cake from my youth.   But you ain't had cake till you've had a caviar cake.

When I worked in the "Christmas business" I became good friends with Jayne Kline (Yes, it was Calvin's first wife.)  The picture below is the two of us at an office Christmas party.

At the above party Jayne brought a caviar cake.  Wow!  I had to have the recipe.  It was not a dessert but rather an hors d'oeuvres served with crackers.   (I still make it to this day for Christmas parties.)

So, now that I have your attention, here's the recipe for you to try, discard, or simply ignore.

Grease a springform pan with Mayo.
On the bottom of the pan, place "egg salad"  (just chopped eggs (6 to 8) and enough mayo to hold it all together.
On top of that, layer chopped sweet onions (Vadalia, if you can get them)
Next layer is a mixture of sour cream (4 oz.) and cream cheese (8 oz.)  I mix this with my hands after softening  the cream cheese. Gently press down on the mixture with a wooden spoon to make it "set."
Then, lastly, drain 6 to 8 jars of black caviar on a paper towel. (one jar at a time) and spread the caviar on top of the concoction. (Black caviar it not that expensive at your local store.)
Run a knife around the inside of the springform to make it easier to unmold later and chill overnight.
Unmold (release the springform) and put it on a platter.

Serve it with crackers and a spoon to scoop up the cake.

Also, I've been told you should avoid metal spoons at they will have an adverse effect on the caviar.
(I don't know this to be a fact but to be safe, I use plastic or wooden.)

So that's my favorite cake. And although it may not be to everyone's taste, it impresses guests.  So enjoy!  And Merry Christmas!


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