When I was very young (maybe 8 or so) my mother decided I should take piano lessons (very popular at the time and most likely still going strong in some families today.) Well, that lasted for a few years and I can still play a bit, but mostly by ear since I never really "mastered" the art.
Some years later, when I enrolled in High School and signed up for "Shop" class, my mother was not thrilled. And although an older brother had gifted her with many hand make items from his days in "Shop," she promptly took me to the "powers that be" and re-enrolled me in "Band," arbitrarily picking the tenor saxophone as my instrument of choice (Never mastered that either, despite tutoring on Saturdays). But I faked it pretty well and knew enough to get by. And I did enjoy marching at half-time for the Friday night football games.
Still later, in college, when I was persuaded to become a part of "The Chessmen" (see earlier blog) I was taught enough chords on the guitar to get through that as well. (Our leader, Chuck, was a genius on the guitar and did all of the real music, with assist from Max on bass.) I (when not faking guitar) did some mean bongos and conga drum. Really. I got to be rather good at it. (And they really wanted me to be the comedian of the group.)
But what is the point of all this? I'm not sure everyone is meant to be a musician, despite what parents may think. It's really a "calling" of sorts. You're either cut out for it or you're not. I don't know why the muse Euterpe threw me over to Calliope and Thalia but it's just as well. I enjoy writing and comedy is king. So, to sum it up: if music be the food of love, I diet.
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