I start this particular blog with a disclaimer.......It all  happened before I was born and my mother related it to me.

When my parents were married they had no money for a photographer so after my elder brother, Lagrant, was born and money was available, they had this photo taken (Which my dad always called their "wedding picture".)

The year the picture was taken is circa 1928.

While I am not sure where this incident took place (my parents lived in Minco, Oklahoma in the early years and Lagrant was born there) and they moved to Kansas some time later.

This was the time before indoor pluming and water for drinking, bathing, etc. was obtained from a pump outside the house and carried in.  There was usually a galvanized bucket with a large ladle in the kitchen for drinking and frequently a block of ice from the ice-box was submerged into it on especially hot days.

There came a day when my mother was ill, running a fever and stayed in bed.  My brother who I'm guessing was about four or five was in the bedroom with her, playing with his toys but under her watchful eye.

At one point, she asked him to bring her a sip of water.  Lagrant left the room but returned moments later with no water.  Mother chastised him and told him once more to go and get her a sip of water.
He, again returned empty handed and whimpered a bit.

Annoyed and complaining, she got out of bed.  "Well, I guess I'll  just have to get it myself."

She went into the kitchen and there, wrapped around the pail of water was an enormous black snake enjoying the icy coolness.  My mom let out a scream which must have frightened the snake for it slithered out a small mouse hole below the counter.

When my dad came home that afternoon, the hole was plugged and we can only surmise that everyone learned a lesson. "Out of the mouths of babes......"


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