Games have always been a joy to me..........not the sporting kind but the parlor kind.  There were the card games we played (as a child, "Hearts," "Crazy Eight," and "Old Maid")  And moving on, there was "Pitch" and "Poker" (with Poker being the only one I could play today."  But of all the games from those bygone days, "Charades" was  at the top on my list.

And while Carol Burnett always tugged her ear to say hello to her grandmother, in my universe, it meant "Sounds like....." in a game of "Charades."

Now, I confess that I enjoyed the board games as well....Monopoly, Parcheesi (although, I don't remember how to play that either), Checkers, Chess and all the others.

But "Charades" always had a place in my heart. I guess it was that "Actor" in my soul.

And the best acting-out I ever did is as follows:   It was a famous person, proper name. (Remember, you  "name tagged" your chest to indicate proper name)

Then, I started by indicating that I was sewing something which I placed on my head...(yes, a hat)  And then (indicating my profession) Fabian who happened to be my partner, soon guessed "Milliner."

Moving on, I indicated that I had wounded myself (pantomiming cutting my forearm with a knife) and dabbing some medicine on the cut from a bottle.........And Fabian came through with "Mercurochrome."

Finally, indicating it was a movie star........... .And Fabian got it.........…"Milliner Mercurochrome" equals Melina Mercouri!

And that's how we played Charades, back in the day.  Probably wouldn't work today.  Unless you happened to remember Melina Mercouri and Mercurochrome.


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