This will not be a story....call it a reminiscence.......In the spring, a young man's fancy turns to ....Pie.

When I first visited Florida, I had my first taste of  Key Lime Pie...tart, tangy, creamy but not really anything I couldn't live without.

Going backward, I remember all those pies that came before......

Thanksgivings of days gone past....Pumpkin, Mincemeat, and an occasional Pecan, it you made it yourself of were dining in Alabama.

Early on I acquired the taste needed for Rhubarb Pie (no strawberries for me) and of course all those lovely fruit pies (Cherry, Apple and Peach) filled many a kitchen with delectable aromas.

And let us not forget the pies of youth....Chocolate, Coconut, Lemon Meringue and Banana Cream.  My mom did them all splendidly.  (Mothers seem to have a way, don't they?)

And I've always been perplexed as to why that perfectly lovely cake is called a Boston Cream pie.
"Is a puzzlement."

But perhaps my favorite pie and one I have not had since I was a child, involved climbing trees (always a joy for two young boys: my cousin Jerome and me).

We had one such glorious tree near the church and in late spring we would take our pails which had been supplied by our mothers, and scamper up into the limbs to begin harvesting the fruit for the most delicious pie of all time.   Home made Mulberry!  A miracle for the mouth.   Oh, for one more bite!
Sweet dreams.


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