I have been blessed by many women in my life....Aunts, teachers, cousins and even high school friends but one who popped into my dreams the other night, was a woman who lived just south of my small town of Corbin, Kansas.  Her name was Mable Mossman.

She was a friend to my mother...(I don't know how they met but they were always in communication with each other)   Church Socials or the Rebekah Lodge?   Perhaps.

At any rate, Mable had a piano and used to invite us down to her house on late afternoons so she could play her newest sheet music acquisition.   (She had an enormous collection as I recall.)

She also had a fantastic salt and pepper shakers collection with, I would estimate, well over 100 pairs.

Looking back, perhaps she is what got me started "collecting." 

When I first moved to New York, I became fast friends with a fellow named John Amero who was as much an avid movie fan as I was.

In those days, the "Road Show" was still prevalent.  (Reserved seating with a souvenir program.)  John and I both began to collect the programs of the day.  There was "Lawrence of Arabia," "Doctor Zhivago," "The Sound of Music," and a myriad of other titles.

Soon we were expanding our collections with items purchased at memorabilia shops.  "Gone With The Wind,"  "The Birth of a Nation" and many others.   When, in the early 90's, the programs became fewer, we decided to pool our collections and sell them. (We had over two hundred titles at that time) and made quite a bit of money off of them.

And while, that phase of my life came to an end, John insisted that I hold on to one "treasure" from my collection.   It was, and still is, in pristine condition and quite rare, in that so few of them were published.  So, dear Mable, this one's for you...........


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