I have found one wonderful way of combatting the "blues," i.e. those days when you are overwhelmed with loneliness.  It is the bear.  And that is his name....."Bear."  He hails from an upstate New York department store called Newberry's in the town of Warwick.  He came into our lives for no particular reason.....he just looked like he needed some love.  So we took him in.  He resided with us up north among other assorted stuffed kin.

And now in Florida, many years later, he sits beside me, fairly near, he - on the sofa, me - in my chair.  He's been there for quite some time now and watches me with his ebony black eyes, snuggled and cozy in his best (and only) sweater.  He did venture forth to sit beneath the Christmas tree last December,  but usually he is happy on the sofa (which I know he thinks belongs to him.)  And perhaps it does.

He never bothers anyone and is most tolerant of the cat should she come sniffing around.  He seems to like the same television shows that I do.  And that's a blessing.  At least, he never complains. He's a very quite bear. 

This morning, for the first time, I took him out to breakfast and my friend, Kim snapped the picture below.

And so I post this to recommend, should you ever need a hug to soften the day....get a bear.  Put it there beside you and reach out in your moment of need and give him a hug.   You'll be surprised at the joy he will return to you.....quietly.


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