I don't know why we did it.   We must have been nuts.   Or should I chalk it up to adventuresome youth?

In my Freshman year of College, a good friend, Mike Barton, and I decided to hop a freight train from  Emporia to Kansas City.  (I don't remember why.....maybe a movie we wanted to see?  It is forever locked somewhere in the recesses of my brain.)

When the weekend was upon us and there would be no school for two days, one early Saturday morning we made our way down to the railroad tracks at the south end of town.   Mike knew the schedule of the trains so we didn't wait long until we could hear the whistle in the distance.   It seemed to be protocol that trains slowed down as they passed through our burg. Thus, as the open-doored boxcars crept past us, we easily attained entrance into one of them.  I don't remember how long the trip took, probably around two or three hours, but in due time, we found ourselves in the Kansas City rail yard.  Scampering away and looking for authority figures in pursuit, we prided ourselves in a sense of accomplishment.

What we did next is anybody's guess.  We certainly explored parts of the city and maybe took in a movie.  I simply don't recall.  I do remember we did not want to spend the night and decided to catch a late afternoon train back to Emporia.

Trains have a mind of their own.   Whereas the one we boarded had slowed to a crawl, the one we caught back didn't slow at all.   I mean, it was moving, not at a breakneck speed (although the thought crossed my mind).

Back in the dusk of Emporia, Mike jumped first, and I saw him tumble down the slight incline by the side of the tracks.  And then it was my turn.   I think I muttered something between "Geronimo" and "Jesus, take the wheel."  But I made it, albeit bruised.   And I never, ever thought of doing it again.  But it was a rite of passage of sorts.   At last, I knew that I was pretty stupid!


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