No pictures on this one....just some random thoughts about some random moments in my life so far.

l.  Around 1964, I  lived on east 74th Street  and frequently walked down Third Avenue to Bloomingdales or to the movies, window shopping along the way.....Antiques, Re-sale shops, etc.
One day as I was peering in a re-sale window, two girls joined me, both dressed in items from the shop, I surmised.  They were chatting at breakneck speed and I realized the one in the floppy hat was Barbra Streisand.  We didn't speak and they moved on.

2. Around the time that my brother/cousin Jerome passed away, I received, in the mail, two pristine steel pennies from 1943 with a note from his wife, Judy saying  that he wanted me to have his "two cents worth." I loved it and Judy and him.

3. Tag Sales (Garage Sales?  Whatever.)   When we lived in upstate New York, we had dear friends named Chris Olert and Sheila O'Mara.  (Yes, they were married but she chose to keep her maiden name.) Sheila loved to spend Saturdays driving around the county to the various "sales" and we went with her many times.   One particular outing, as we perused items "up for grabs," Fabian bought a decanter for fifty cents.....on the bottom was engraved "Baccarat."

4.  Fabian and I had dogs almost all of our lives.  But, as we aged and finally put the last one to rest, we decided that walking a dog was now out of the question.  So we went to the animal shelter and adopted a heavenly calico cat.  Upon taking "Roxie" to our long-time vet for her first checkup, we were amused when the good doctor said, "Oh, I see you've gone over to the dark side."

5.Fabian and I attended an off-Broadway "invitation only" performance by David Carroll.  (A try-out of sorts for an act.....we knew the director)   David had make quite a splash in "Grand Hotel" and many celebs were there that day.  One of Fabian's favorites was Jean Simmons who was in attendance with two younger fellows and another woman.

Fabian approached her and said, "I loved you in Chicago."

One of the gentlemen said, rather snidely, "She wasn't in 'Chicago.'"

"That's not what I meant,"  Fabian responded.

"Well, what did you mean?" said the know-it-all.

Fabian replied, "I saw her in Chicago performing in "A Little Night Music."

"Oh, I beg your pardon."

Jean chimmed in, "Thank you very much.   It was a wonderful production, wasn't it?"
Fabian agreed.  Meanwhile, I happened to look at the other woman who was watching the verbal exchange like she was watching a tennis match, her head turning this way and that.

It was Ethel Merman.

At intermission of the show, Miss Simmons approached us and apologized for the rudeness of her companion and it was a genuine thrill for Fabian and me, as well.  She was a class act.


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