Some more moments in my life so far.....

1. I don't remember what they called the performance...but it was at Radio City Musical Hall and it was Liza Minnelli..... I don't think it was the opening number, per se, but perhaps an intro to the opening number.  All I remember is Fabian and I were seated in the 2nd Balcony of this enormous venue.  The lights dimmed and Ms. Minnelli appeared on stage (far below us) wearing a yellow slicker/raincoat.  There was no music.  She began acapella............"It's not the pale moon that excites me....that thrills and delights me....." (and taking a pause, she pulled a pair of binoculars from the pocket of her coat and scanned the entire hall, even up to the 2nd balcony)....."Oh no, it's just the nearness of you!"  The place erupted.

2.  Southern Florida seems to be flooded with arts and crafts shows (in season) and we have attended a few over the years.  One of the earliest I remember was held in a town a few miles north of us named Bonita Springs.   These shows are usually a series of stalls or tents set up for various vendors to show their wares which can be anything from paintings to sculpture to jewelry or you-name-it.   As we made our way along this artistic thoroughfare, we pauses at one vendor whose paintings were quite unique, almost collage-like with mixed media.  Upon examining one particular piece, I noted  that it was rather steep in price (for us).   A woman's voice behind me asked, "Are you going to buy that?"  "I don't think so," I replied.   "Good," she intoned,  "I'll  take it."    It was Judge Judy.

3. The only time I cracked up my friend, J. J. resulted in this conversation:
Me - "Do you like the artists Klee?"  (I said it with the long E, rhyming with "me")
J. J. - " I believe it's pronounced (Klay)"
Me - "Well, you learn something every Dee."
(Maybe you had to be there.)

4.  Ask a stupid question Department.....
My friend, Kiki, did a tour of "West Side Story" in Japan.   Dining out one night he inquired of the waiter, "What do you call these delicious little noodles?"
Waiter:  "Noodles."

At a roadside cafĂ©, somewhere in Georgia, I ask,  "What is the soup du jour?"
Waitress:  "Why, honey, that's the soup of the day."

5.  Way back when, (80's and 90's)  New York Magazine ran a contest/competition in every issue.
It was a challenge of some sort that the reader was encouraged to participate in.   I often entered and got an "honorable mention" now and then.............. But I finally won it! 

The challenge was to anagram one word in a person or thing....Define it, then anagram one word in its definition.  My winning entry was "Drab Pitt:  Melancholy actor who first gained prominence in 'Hamlet and Louise'."   (Brad Pitt in "Thelma and Louise.")  I won a free subscription for a year!


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