I have been thinking about this post for a number of days and received some big help form my college love, Gayle, who filled in some blanks for me.   And I thank her for that and still love her.

 In 1962, Shari Lau, a talented (albeit young) actress did a wonderful Elvira in Noel Coward's "Blithe Spirit" where Gayle and I both attended college.   And she did Joan of Arc in another play.  She also was "seeing/dating" my roommate at the time Ric (Ricardo) Sauceda.  Ric and I shared a "house" off campus with another guy (Mike Pryor?) where parties were always a weekend event.   (We even gave one for "The Kingston Trio" when they appeared on campus)  But that's another story.

While I don't recall many "dates" with Shari and Ric, they were always hanging out a lot, be it at our house or elsewhere.  And they loved to drink.  Ric was mostly beer, but Shari had other tastes.

When I gave up my college career to pursue "The Chessman" dream,  I bid them all "Adieu."

In late 1962, Ric (28) and Shari(20) headed for California to pursue her acting career.   Ric sought a job teaching school.

In January of 1963, in the city of Long Beach (and with drinking involved, I suspect), Shari informed Ric that she didn't love him anymore.  (She may have been taunting him, testing him as I had seen her do before.)   But this time it was too much.  He got his pistol and shot her in the chest.   He then called the police and admitted to the crime.

This was a great shock to the campus community and I suppose we will never know all of the details.  Neither Gayle or myself know the outcome of Ric's trial.  But a "crime of passion" undoubtedly was the defense.  So perhaps some leniency was granted.

So, that was the tragedy.  While I was pursuing my dream, Shari and Ric's was shattered.   And I'll always wonder what might have been.  RIP, Shari.


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