Is has been four months since I lost Fabian and I pass this on to illustrate what a wonderful sense of humor he had.

During his battle with Parkinson's he would lose mobility every now and then and fall down. We both coped with the situation as best we could.  And usually it was a minor incident.

However, one morning when I woke up, his face was covered in blood.  It seems he had gotten out of bed in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and upon returning to bed, lost his balance and slammed his face into the bedroom doorknob causing considerable damage to his lower lip.  And, half-dazed, he returned to bed.

After I awoke and saw all the blood on the sheet and on the rug, not to mention on him, I got him cleaned up as best I could, dressed and into the car where we went to an Urgent Care center that was near us.

When the receptionist observed his bloodied lower lip, we had very little waiting time to see a doctor.  We were ushered into a room.  As we talked to the "nurse" prior to the doctors arival, she was filling out a form and asking questions..."Age?"  "Medications?" Etc.

Then finally, "Occupation?"

Without missing a beat, Fabian, he, with the bloodied mouth, said "Lipstick model."

God, how I loved him.


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