My first Christmas in New York, I was alone.  My friends Bob and Judy had returned to spend the holiday with their families in Pittsburgh.  So what to do.

Christmas Eve, I decided I would go to Midnight Mass as St. Patrick's Cathedral on Fifth Avenue.  While I was not a Catholic, I knew it would be a wonderful evening of faith and song.  Arriving around 11 o'clock or so, I encountered hordes of people, milling around.   As I made my way up the steps of the great edifice and through the open door, an elderly usher said, 'Ticket, please."

I explained that I had no ticket and he offered a brief explanation.  Tickets were required because attendance was always full to overflowing.  And of course, it was too late to get one for this particular night as it was "Sold out."

Dejected, I made my way back out to the steps of the Cathedral, exiting as many were coming in.

A voice to my left said, "Young man?"  I turned to see a gentleman, bundled up in the cold, with wisps of white hair protruding from his stocking cap.  "Where is your scarf? You'll freeze.  Do you need a ticket for the Mass?"

I told him I did and he continued, "My wife and I have been coming to this Mass for thirty-three years, but sadly, this year she is unable to attend.  I know she will be pleased that I gave it  to someone in need of a seat."   And he handed me the ticket.

I thanked him profusely as he vanished into the crowd.  Heading back inside, I approached the usher once more and  he smiled at me,  "I see he found you."

"What do you mean?" I inquired.

"Our angel,"  he responded.  "He has been giving out tickets for the pass thirty-three years."

Seeing the puzzled  look on my face, he added. "And that is the age that our Lord was crucified."  He took my ticket and said "Next?"

There is no explanation for this story.  It was just a moment in time that I will never quite understand.

Christmas morning, the phone rang.  It was my friend Bob, calling from Pittsburgh.  "Merry Christmas!" he said with a twinkle in his voice, "Santa left something for you in the top of the closet."

I told him to hold on as I ran to get the gift.  Tearing off the wrapping paper, I discovered a white knitted hat and a matching scarf.

Do you wonder why I believe in angels?


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