I worked at the Meadowbrook Dinner Theater in Cedar Grove, New Jersey, a number of years climbing the theatrical ladder until I was the Stage Manager. (I also acted in a number of shows.)

One of the shows that I stage managed was a production of "West Side Story."  The star was Tab Hunter.  (I also played Gladhand, the teacher who chaperones the dance at the gym in this production.)

As you may know, at the end of Act One is the "Rumble" with switch blades flashing.  Since this was theater-in-the-round, the audience was quite close to the action and as the Jets and Sharks battled it out, nervous laughter could be heard from the nearby tables.   On opening night, Mr. Hunter playing Tony, was evidently overcome with the emotion of the moment and yelled "Shut up."

At intermission, I went to his dressing room prepared to read him the riot act for being unprofessional.   Before I could say much of anything, he said that he was sorry and it would not happen again.  I told him, if it did,  I would call the "Blackout" early and we would end the scene. (I was bluffing, of course.)  He promised to do better.

The next night.  The end of Act One.  The Rumble.  Again there were nervous titters about the theater as the switchblades slashed about.  Mr. Hunter was silent.  The scene ended appropriately.   I called "Blackout" to the lighting man.  And in the darkness, I heard Tab yell.  "Shut up."

I laughed all the way to his dressing room where I congratulated him on keeping his word.  It hadn't happened again..... in the light.  He was a great guy and had a wonderful sense of humor.


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