In this blog, I will endeavor to amuse you with some of the stories of my "Life So Far" from Kansas to New York City to Naples, Florida and various stops along the way.  Hope you enjoy them.

This first one really isn't a story but an observation.

I moved to New York City in 1963 and quickly discovered the many marvels it held. One of the premier jewelry stores in "The Big Apple" is, as you well know, Tiffany's which sits on the southeast  corner of 57th Street and 5th Avenue and is well noted for their window displays.  While the windows are relatively small by department store standards at about four feet square with very thick glass, when I lived in the city I often found magic in them.  They were always seasonal when the time was right, be it Easter or Christmas.

One year, around St Patrick's Day, there appeared the one window I will never forget.  It was simple and rather plain until you looked closely.  As you approached the window, from a distance it appeared to be nothing but a sea of grass against a pale blue backdrop of a sky.

This was real grass planted in the bottom of the display that ran about a foot or so deep and almost resembled a rug.  Upon closer inspection, one noticed a single four-leaf clover springing up through the grass.  And there under its four bright, green leaves lay a sparkling diamond solitare ring.   It simply took your breath away.  It was a surprise of quintessential beauty from Tiffany's and an image I'll never forget.


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