As a starving young actor in New York, I would take a seasonal job at Macy's around Christmas time, not only to earn some cash for presents but also for that Macy's employee discount.  I worked in Men's Cologne for two seasons, purchasing my fair share as gifts and then got "bumped" upstairs to the Toy Department, mainly selling dolls.

One blustery day in early December, a woman wearing a substantialy large black coat with a floppy black hat and huge dark sunglasses approached my counter.
"Yes, Ma'am, may I help you?" I inquired.

"What is your most popular doll?"  She intoned in a sexy, husky, voice.

I proceeded to show her the one that was selling the most.   Alas, I don't remember which one that was after all these years.  It may have been a Betsy Wetsy.  At any rate, at the time it was a hot item.

She held the doll, examined it closely, checking its undergarments and eventually said, "I'm thinking this will do nicely.  I'll take it."

"Would you like it sent or would you like to take it with you, Miss Novak?"

Tilting her sunglasses down, she smiled, "How did you know it was me?'

"I'm afraid that wonderful voice of yours gives you away."

"I must try to do better," she said.

We finished the transaction (she paid in cash) and I handed her a shopping bag with the doll nestled safely inside.  "It's been a pleasure," I told her.

Again, tilting her glasses down so I could see those beautiful eyes, she winked and said, "Well, that will be our little secret."

I was grinning from ear to ear for the rest of the day and well into the following week.  Kim Novak and I had a secret.


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