In my 1958  Freshman year at Kansas State Teachers College (as it was known then), my roommate was from Redbank, New Jersey.  Sad to say, I can't remember his name.  I think ir was Chris something.  He was a nice guy and a true friend at the time, as we both navigated through the beginnings of college life.   We lived in a private home with two other fellows, each duo sharing a room.

As the Thanksgiving holiday approached, "Chris" planned a trip back to his hometown and asked me if I would like to join him for the cross-country trek via his car and with the promise of seeing NYC for the first time.  After a bit of pleading, my parents said yes, noting it might be the only time I ever got to see New York.  Little did they know that I would come to live there forty years!

But, back to Thanksgiving.  I'm not sure how long we took off from school, but I think there were some added days beyond the specified school vacation time so that we could make the drive back and forth.  Emporia to Redbank.

One of the first things we had to settle, was our choice of a Broadway show.  Although the original cast of Rex Harrison and Julie Andrews had been replaced by Edward Mulhare and Sally Ann Howes, I opted for "My Fair Lady."  I had seen a number or two on Ed Sullivan and thought it would be a wonderful choice.   Chris offered a second choice (A show I hadn't heard of) but I still opted for the "Lady."

We went to a matinee and to my young eyes it was the best thing I had ever seen on a stage.  Beautiful singing, beautiful costumes, beautiful sets.......just plain beautiful everything.  I couldn't have been happier. My first Broadway show!

As a side note, also on tap during my visit  to Redbank was a side trip to Atlantic City and my first view of the ocean.  And a taste of salt water taffy. What a day!

And that is what I remember about my first visit to New York.    Oh, yes, we drove through a blizzard on the way back to Kansas.

One more thing.that I rather rue to this day, was not seeing that other show I had never heard of which turned out to be the ground breaking "West Side Story."  Que Sera Sera.


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