There was a "green grocer" about two blocks north of our apartment in NYC.  I would often shop there on the way home for the freshest vegetables to cook that night.

One particular sunny afternoon, I was perusing their artichokes, feeling for firmness, when I heard a voice behind me.  "What the hell are those?" was the query from a woman whose voice sounded familiar.

"Artichokes." I replied without turning around.

"How do you cook'em?" was the next question.

I turned and was a bit dumbstruck but proceeded to explain that I submerged them in boiling water along with a lemon cut in half and cooking them until the leaves were easy to pull off.  Then, letting them cool and serving them with a small bowl of mayonnaise into which you dipped the leaves and pulled the meaty part off with your teeth until all the leaves were gone and you arrived at the "choke."  I further informed my newfound inquisitor that one must be careful of the spiny parts in the "choke" as they were not to be eaten, but rather scraped off to get to the heart.  As an added incentive I added that it was well worth the effort as the "meat" of the leaves was quite delicious and the heart was superb.  I further mentioned that the hearts were a wonderful base for a poached egg and hollandaise sauce.

"Thanks for the information" said my culinary student, "But it sounds like too much trouble to me."

And with that Shelly Winters turned on her heel and was gone.  Thus ended my cooking lesson.  And though I boast, the artichokes were particularly tasty that night.


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